At a rental property-between renters-kind of scary...but sad, nonetheless. Someone broke into an old house by kicking in the window of this door-well for whatever the reason, I couldn't handle throwing the door out...I'm just not good at throwing anything away that could be a potential art project-and I sort of see these inanimate objects with a sort of Walt Disney like realness :)
So-to Bobby's workshop we go to check on the door that has been in waiting for about a year or two or three, maybe...waiting for the day it would be chosen. Well, it's day came-the day for the Shabby Potting Bench! Bobby pulled together some odds and ends to create this fun work table.
The door came with original crackled white paint and a single row of windows at the top (left intact and amazingly unbroken). The destroyed area of the door was "patched" with chicken wire-which would be a great trellis for a little ivy, by the way. A work area of whitewashed pine boards was added as was a bottom shelf (for storing potting soil, ...)
Bobby then added a few hangers and hooks he made from old silverware, a vintage doorknob, and a large rusty cuphook.
A small barnboard shelf rests on a pair of old whitewashed spindle pieces. And my favorite addition to this piece is the old iron bar that Bobby added to the side of the work top-a great place to hang a towel for clean up.
Whether you use this piece as a place to pot your plants or an organizer of sorts in the mudroom or sunporch...it is truly a "green" piece of furniture-all leftovers, reused and repurposed...and a cute, shabby one, too! And just so happy to be here :)
This art piece is available at Old South Antique Mall in Dothan, Alabama.
Hi,Debbie! I love the addition of the vintage fork and spoon.
Really beautiful project!